
Utilization of Cassava Peel as A Basic Ingredient for Making Noodle

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Resumo do projeto

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing whether cassava peel waste can be used as a material for making flour into noodles. This research can also be useful as a reference regarding alternative materials, which are actually waste, for making noodles and reducing waste in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative study with an experimental method. In the cassava peel there is a compound HCN (Hydrogen cyanide). The HCN compound in the cassava peel is not constant but changes and is influenced by environmental factors. If the growth of cassava plants experiences a very long dry season, the levels of HCN compounds will increase. In addition, the N contained in the fertilizer can increase the levels of HCN compounds in the cassava peel. The HCN compound itself is cyanide which has toxic properties so that processing is needed to remove this HCN compound. To reduce the HCN content in the cassava peel, it is done by washing it with running water and soaking it with additional water and iodized salt so that the HCN content in the cassava peel can be lost.


Nadhifa Zahira Ramadhani Mart
Kavita Ilma Septiana
Marshyanda Oliviea Maharani


Deni Irawan


International Science and Invention Fair
  Jawa Barat –

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Nadhifa Zahira Ramadhani Mart
Kavita Ilma Septiana
Marshyanda Oliviea Maharani


Deni Irawan


International Science and Invention Fair
  Jawa Barat –

Prêmios e Incentivos Educacionais Oferecidos

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