
The Effect of Different Feed Contents on Broccoli Yield and TAN Value in Arduino Supported Aquaponic System

Resumo do projeto

Aquaponic systems are an ecological system suitable for sustainable agriculture. By reusing water in the system, natural fish waste and fertilizer needs of plants are met and water consumption is minimized. In our project, the Ardunio system will be integrated into the aquaponic environment where Koi fish are located, and the effect of fish feeds with different protein content on the TAN value of the environment and broccoli yield will be investigated. “Tank system” will be preferred as the design. The ammonia water going from the aquarium to the normal hydroponic plant tank is converted to nitrate by the bacteria and then delivered back to the aquarium. Red-blue led will be used for lighting. During the study period, the effect of the aquaponic system on the nitrogen cycle will be observed by measuring the normal TAN value. pH, temperature and water level will be monitored with the Ardunio system that will be integrated into the aquaponic environment. In addition, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity will be monitored regularly. At the end of the 8th day, which shows the amount of ammonia, the tan value in both aquaponic systems was 0.14 and 0.21, respectively, while the tan value in the control group not associated with hydroponic plant beds was 0.14 and 0.21, respectively. It increased 22 times to 4.02. These results showed that the system works successfully, ammonia is converted to nitrate by bacteria in hydroton environment and taken up by broccoli. Protein-rich feeds had a positive effect on the broccoli height increase rate of 66%. pH results were found in the range of 8.2-8.4, which was 6-7% higher in all tanks than in the control group. EC results relative to the control group, the EC value of Aquarium-1 and 2 in the Aquaponic system was greater than 10% and 12%, respectively. The decoded oxygen value was found between 7.8 and 9.0. There was no statistically significant difference in growth rates in the measurements (p>0.05). In the literature, supported the studies on how aquaculture wastes can be used in vegetable cultivation and the cleaning and reuse of water. Keywords: aquaponic, Ardunio, TAN, fish food, Broccoli.


Sena Ocak


Murat Kodat


Giresun Science High School
  Giresun –

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Sena Ocak


Murat Kodat


Giresun Science High School
  Giresun –

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