
Study on Hydrophobic and Breathable Modification of Sand Material in the Desert

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Increasing the rate of vegetation coverage is an effective way to control desertification and a powerful way to improve the desert ecological environment. However, it is difficult to divert water from the desert, the sand particles are dense, and the air content is low, which is not conducive to the roots of plants to obtain air and moisture. Therefore, how to keep moisture and air in the sand material in the desert, which is beneficial to the survival of plants, is particularly important. This study is based on the principle of particle accumulation, using sand particles of similar particle size to combine to form a void ratio of 25.9% and a large number of small holes between the sand particles to provide sufficient space for air retention. In addition, inspired by the hydrophobic effect of the lotus leaf in nature, this study uses liquid hydrophobic materials to coat the surface of the sand particle core material with a hydrophobic film through stirring and spraying, so that the surface changes from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, with hydrophobic and Anti-seepage function. After testing, the modified desert sand material has both anti-seepage and ventilation functions. Parameters such as contact angle, bearing height, and air permeability index can meet the requirements of ecological planting in desert areas. Key words: Hydrophobicity, ventilation, ecological environment, desertification, desert management


Yu Yueyang




Talent Development Program by Shanghai Science Association for Young Talents
  Shanghai –

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Yu Yueyang




Talent Development Program by Shanghai Science Association for Young Talents
  Shanghai –

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