

Resumo do projeto

Digital Library – an ordered collection of heterogeneous electronic documents, equipped with navigation tools, implemented on the basis of the operating system of the personal computer. It can be a website where various texts and media files are gradually accumulating, each of which is self-sufficient and can be demanded by the reader at any time. The uniqueness of the project lies in the use of the Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcomputer as the hardware platform of the future digital library. The software is installed automatically from the installation package created during the project implementation. INTRODUCTION Relevance of the topic: The high cost of paper books, as well as a decrease in the number of free online resources available to distribute licensed books, as well as many other factors make the digital library extremely in demand. Tasks: • To study the technical literature about the Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcomputer; • To perform installation and configuration of the software; • Test the hardware and software. ELEMENT BASE SELECTION The Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcomputer was chosen as the hardware platform for creating a portable digital library, which is optimally suited for creating such projects. The chosen Raspberry Pi 3B+ model has a built-in WIFI adapter, Bluetooth, Ethernet port, as well as low price and modern technical characteristics. CREATION OF CASE ELEMENTS BY MEANS OF 3D-PRESS PROCEDURE In the course of work in the 3D editor “Autodesk Fusion 360” were developed volume models of the case for Raspberry Pi 3B +. Autodesk Fusion 360 is the next generation CAD. The software product is a 3D cloud-based product design and development tool that combines collaboration, digital design, and machining in one package. Fusion 360 allows you to quickly and easily explore your design ideas with the world’s first integrated platform, covering everything from concept development to production. RESEARCH The first purpose of the research was to identify the shortcomings of the library software implemented in different programming languages with the connection of different libraries. We compared different versions of the library and found out that the Ideal for building a digital library is the Apache2 + JS/PHP build. The second research purpose was to determine the dependence of the data transfer rate in the Provider-Consumer mode on the number of users connected to the library. We realized that the transmission speed given is directly proportional to the number of users connected to the library. The data transfer rate when used in class at peak load is 2.40 Mbps. CONCLUSION As a result of research work, with the use of cross-platform software APACHE2, CSS document appearance description language, HTML hypertext markup language, JavaScript programming language and PHP.on the basis of Raspberry PI 3B+ microcomputer was created digital library with the ability to exchange data, the feature of which is mobility and the ability to work from 5v2a.


Roman Skorik


Oleg Godizov
Sergey Deminov


Sakha Junior Science Academy
Chapaevo /
  Chapaevo –  
  Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) –

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4 anos atrás

That’s an awesome project 👍

4 anos atrás

Really interesting, right now is the data storage limited to rasp memory ?(I don’t know if its a hard disk or something) or is it keeping the data in a different device?

Last edited 4 anos atrás by Monteiro


Roman Skorik


Oleg Godizov
Sergey Deminov


Sakha Junior Science Academy
  Chapaevo –  
  Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) –

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