
Biodegradable Plastic from Flax Seed (Linum usitatissimum) Extract to Plant

Resumo do projeto

Studies show that 5 trillion plastic bags will be produced in the world in 2021. It is not known how much of these plastic bags will be recycled and how much will be released into the wild. More than 2,000 species, including humans, will be directly or indirectly affected if even a small fraction of the 5 trillion plastic bags are involved in the environment. To solve this problem, biodegradable bags have been used by many sectors. Biodegradable bags are called bags that can be destroyed by various microorganisms and rainwater when released into the wild. However, biodegradable bags produced today are not preferred by manufacturers due to their cost. Biodegradable bags, on the other hand, have the potential to complicate waste management when introduced without appropriate technical specifications, transport systems and consumer training. For this reason, it is aimed to make a bioplastic bag that transforms very simply in houses that have not been made before and that can provide the formation of products such as plants, flowers, vegetables and fruits by benefiting the environment and nature during its transformation thanks to the seed in it. Flaxseed, carbonate, water, vinegar, plant seed and glycerin were mixed to a certain extent for the biodegradable bag to be made. In tests and experiments, three types: the oil-derived familiar piece of plastic bag and the biodegradable plastic containing starch were tested and compared with the new biodegradable plastic, whose raw material containing carbonate and mixed flower seeds is flaxseed extract. Tests: Resolution and robustness tests. Biodegradable plastic samples left directly or on the soil in the water showed the expected results after the soaking process. Germination was observed in mixed flower seeds added to flaxseed extract raw material biodegradable plastic before drying. In other tests, it was found that the new biodegradable plastic obtained was as robust as the plastic bag part and the starch-containing experimental control group.


Deren Dumanoğlu
Kutay Yurtseven
Ece Ezgi Salış


Çiğdem Özgürdal


İtü Eta Vakfı Doga College H. S.
  Samsun –

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Ferit S.
Ferit S.
3 anos atrás

We are proud of you. We have done great 👏🏻



Deren Dumanoğlu
Kutay Yurtseven
Ece Ezgi Salış


Çiğdem Özgürdal


İtü Eta Vakfı Doga College H. S.
  Samsun –

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