

Resumo do projeto

The idea of the project is based on the realization of a glove with a wristband that provides physical therapy to patients with rheumatoid arthritis, which includes heat generators that will produce a temperature not harmful or detrimental to human skin, as well as the inclusion of vibratory motors to generate movement in the joints. The name of our project is Artrodinia, etymologically the word “arthrodinia” is formed with Greek roots and means “pain in the joints”, we decided to use this word because with this research and project we want provide the opportunity to help patients with rheumatoid arthritis either at an early age or at a more advanced level. The innovation of this prototype is the incorporation of vibration and heat simultaneously, helping to reduce functional limitation and pain with Arthrodinia. We hope that our idea can help patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and we are going to test it with RA patients and document the patients’ improvements. Keywords: Physiotherapy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rehabilitation, Joints, Vibration, Heat.


Vanessa Marlen Espinoza Quintanilla
Aldo Lael Nájera Rodríguez
Carlos Uriel Villa Aparicio


Raquel Ávila Rodríguez


ExpoCiencias Mexico
  San Luis Potosí –

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Vanessa Marlen Espinoza Quintanilla
Aldo Lael Nájera Rodríguez
Carlos Uriel Villa Aparicio


Raquel Ávila Rodríguez


ExpoCiencias Mexico
  San Luis Potosí –

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